MilliOnAir Magazine Winter Edition | Page 127


If you enjoy a coffee in the morning a shot of

Ancient + Brave True MCT oil in your

java will help to smooth the effects of the caffeine

keeping you alert and energetic for longer. The oil

consists of two medium chain fats C8 and C10

which have strong antibacterial and antifungal

properties which may boost the immune system.

When you can’t avoid heading straight into the

festivities without time to prep your body

Urban Retreat  in Knightsbridge offers a

menu of IV cocktails designed to keep you going

whether you are after a 15 minute energy boost

with Methylcobalamin B12 or a 45 minute

supercharge with its super elixir of vitamins and

minerals which will restore your get up and go.

Knowing you are about to have a heavy night start

the party with a glass of water to quench your

thirst and then alternate every alcoholic drink

with water. Staying hydrated will help to flush out

toxins and prevent the symptoms of a hangover.


Depending on how hectic your schedule is likely to

be if you plan short and long term boosts ahead you

will get the best out of yourself this coming season.