MilliOnAir Magazine May/June 2019 | Page 31



Emma Laird is an English actress, model and writer. She was scouted at a music festival back in 2013, and has since spent six years in the fashion industry working with the likes of Valentino, Vogue, Grazia, Glamour and Louis Vuitton to name a few.

With thanks to her mother agency, Models 1, Emma has worked across the world, from Tokyo to Sydney, and many places in between. While working in New York, she enrolled at New York Film Academy to study Acting for Television & Film and has since continued her studies back in London to further her career in the film industry.

Emma is currently seeing her latest film, which she won her first award for Best Actress, circulate film festivals globally. Her debut novel, Eventually, was released on March 13th and is available worldwide via Amazon.

The book features a collection of poems from Emma’s personal life as well as from the characters perspective to help tell the story of a young girl struggling with loving both a boy and a girl simultaneously, all while accepting the times when she is alone, with only her own mind for company.

Edited by Marcella Martinelli

Koraradiatestalent , pasionandbeauty , andhasa heavyloveformusicandnature . Whenshefals madlyforamusicianinthesoddenfieldsofan Englishmusicfestival , sheisfacedwithher biggestultimatum . Anultimatum thatsoonsees herspiralingdownwards , unhingingalthat othersperceivehertobe .
Thisisnotalovestory . Noroneofheartbreak . But apoetictelingofselfdiscoveryandacceptance throughtheeyesofagirlwhoselifeisturned upsidedownbylove .