MilliOnAir Magazine May/June 2019 | Page 163



I have had a larger than average nose all my life, but the idea of a nose job frightens me (and is not in my budget). Could aesthetics make a difference instead of cosmetic surgery?

Sue Clever, Virginia Waters.  


It is understandable to be frightened of surgery. Fillers are a good alternative, especially for covering and correcting small asymmetries or bumps on the nose. Furthermore, the treatment lasts for over a year in some cases, making the procedure highly affordable. With pre-allocation of a local anesthetic prior to the procedure, you are unlikely to feel any pain either. Please feel free to drop in for a consultation with our doctor, who will be able to asses and advise you further

Can vitamin infusion drips really help me lose weight?

Diane Masters, Hull. 


The best way to lose weight is through exercise and a balanced diet. Very often though, diets make us feel tired/exhausted and we end up losing motivation. You can combine diet and exercise with intravenous vitamin drips; cocktails that contain multiple vitamins and enzymes that support weight loss and metabolism, whilst also increasing your energy levels.