MilliOnAir Magazine March 2018 | Page 85

Excuse #10 I get bored easily

Do you find going to work or brushing your teeth fun? We do these things because we have to and know that doing these things everyday provide a purpose. Not everything we do daily is exciting or highly entertaining but complaining about it doesn’t make it easier.

Instead, think about the areas of your body that you can strengthen or improve flexibility.

Excuse #8 I’m too big/fat

I’ve heard this plenty of times before, some people are just too embarrassed to workout because other people might see them at the gym and may stare, laugh, or they might be the only overweight person at the gym. Honestly, most people are too focused on their own bodies to pay attention to yours at the gym. Be proud of yourself for making a healthy choice and let go of what others might think. Don’t let anyone else dictate what you do for you.

Excuse #9 I don’t like working out alone

This seems to be a common excuse to skip the gym when your workout partner can’t make it.  Be accountable for yourself! Join some group fitness classes or hire a trainer to ensure that you’re progressing at your desired pace, not someone else’s.
