MilliOnAir Magazine March 2018 | Page 38


Do you like a man that wears cologne?

 I love a man that smells of cologne, but only if it’s natural (hate that cheap chemical stuff)

my Usiku fragrance smells good on men and Le labo has great natural fragrances.

What is your top beauty secret?

 Laughter and organic food, no dairy!

You’re very keen to look after the environment what can people cut back on that they use daily to help?

Plastic, simple changes like tell a bar man “no straw !" take off plastic from your fruit and veg in the supermarket and leave it for them to get rid of!!!!!



Jo was on a one woman mission to show the beauty industry that organic products could be luxurious, sophisticated, and decadent and that there were other consumers like her who wanted more of a choice. and Candle products.