MilliOnAir Magazine March 2018 | Page 110

I’m in my twenties but still have the spots I suffered from as a teenager. Surely they should have gone by now? It is really getting me down – you can even see it through my foundation. Is there anything I can do?

Marcy Danielles, Hull

 You are not alone. First of all, check that you are not allergic to anything you are eating or wearing – you’d be surprised how simply changing your diet or cosmetic products can improve your skin. An allergy specialist will be able to determine whether something is irritating your skin.

 A simple blood test can also detect whether something is lacking in your diet, or if there is any imbalance that could be affecting your skin. 

 Have a consultation with a good beauty therapist. They will be able to combine treatments specially tailored to your needs, such as peels or laser, and these can have amazing results. 


 All my life I have suffered from terrible headaches. I tried acupuncture a few times but it didn’t do much for me. I have read that Botox might help, but I don’t have the money to spend on it if it’s not going to work. What do you think?

Charlotte Dawn, Brentwood 


It really  works! We  treat many people suffering with  migraines at the  clinic with  great  success. Botox injections are safe and effective in reducing headaches and migraines and clients have reported no side effects. 

 Once the doctor has assessed your suitability, small injections of the Botulinum are made in the affected areas, such as head, neck and shoulder. This relaxes the muscles, making them less sensitive to pain.

Thank you to everyone who sent in your questions, we have been inundated with emails for Dr Ioannis Liakas and Vicky Grammatikopoulou.

Please send your questions to  [email protected] marked for the attention of  Steven  Smith Beauty Editor.

Love from all of the team here at Vie Aesthetics....
