MilliOnAir Magazine March 2018 | Page 109


My boyfriend has just turned 40. He goes to the gym and eats well but just cannot seem to get rid of his middle age spread. I am convinced it is affecting his confidence - is there anything else he can do? Pat Healy, Durham  

 A good diet is the first port of call. And by that, I don’t necessarily mean cutting back, but instead changing the way he eats. Try having your protein, such as eggs and nuts, first thing in the morning and wait until your body is up and running before having carbohydrates, say two hours after breakfast.

That way the body is less likely to crave food and more likely to burn the calories.

Another tip is to cut out the energy bars as they are mostly packed with sugar.

 Try the eating menu below. If this does not work, you can try Aqualyx. An injection of Aqualyx in the problem area can successfully shift fat for men of all ages.

Healthy eating menu


Breakfast - green tea or ginger and lemon tea. Make your own with fresh lemon and peeled ginger


Omelette - made with the whites of four eggs. Add vegetables of choice. Cook in a small amount of olive oil (no butter)

Fruit – a cup of fruit such as blueberry, pomegranate, coconut, grapefruit. Avoid high-sugar oranges, tangerines and strawberries.

Alternate with organic full fat yoghurt. Avoid low or zero fat yoghurt



An hour or so later, have a snack, such as a handful of almonds, macadamia or cashew nuts, pomegranate, coconut shavings or blueberries



Tuna salad or chicken breast salad. If the tuna is tinned, make sure it is in spring water rather than oil. For the salad, spinach, watercress, spring onions, beetroot and celery. Use lemon as dressing or a tablespoon of Udo’s oil



The afternoon snack can be the same as in the morning. If you have worked out, have a protein drink with added water rather than milk, unless it is almond milk, or blueberry blended in almond milk



Chicken or turkey breast with a small portion of brown rice; steamed broccoli with added ginger if desired, or lightly stir fried vegetables


It is important not to eat after seven in the evening, but if you want you can have some cherries before sleep with a small cup of warm almond milk


Drink at least a litre of water a day