MilliOnAir Magazine July/August | Page 175


My husband has really bad acne scars left from when he was a teenager. He is too shy to go to a beautician, and he does not trust ‘lotions and potions’, as he calls them. I thought if he went to a doctor like you, he would be less self-conscious. What can be done for this condition?  

Maria Townsend, Brighton 

We have many men that visit us, and many say once in the door they wish they had come sooner. Any good clinic should be discreet and attentive to anyone’s needs, including being aware if someone is shy and acting appropriately. I would need to see him in person to make a specific recommendation, but we have a number of treatments for acne scars, from peels to Plexr. Please see our web page.

I really would like a firmer bottom, but to be honest, the gym is not my friend. Should I try fillers? Vicky Morgan, Tottenham 

You're in luck! A firmer bottom can be yours in three easy sessions using the revolutionary treatment Endopeel. After a patch test, a simple injection of Endopeel will get the job done. It’s a unique technique developed initially in Switzerland, consisting of a patented oily solution containing carbolic acid mixed with peanut oil acid. When injected into an area of loose skin tissue and muscle laxity, this creates a selective, reversible, pointed “chemical myolysis”; in other words, the skin and the muscles in the injected region tighten, hence reversing the signs of ageing. Model Danielle Mason and actress Nicole Gibbson are huge fans and love their new lifted and fuller bottoms.