MilliOnAir Magazine January 2018 | Page 64

Vanessa Brady OBE is an international multi-award winning Interior Designer, Business Consultant and Founder of the Society of British and International Design.

Vanessa's Blog

One for the record books..

Well we finally got there and launched the Intellectual Property Protection Register campaign for SBID members all around the world. It will provide the missing step of existing law; enforcement. You can’t have enforcement without the law in place but the law without enforcement is not much help either.

The Society of British and International Design (SBID) was launched with the intention of this step. To get there was a journey and a half of industry resistance from a few, alongside amazing support where none was expected from others. As a Designer, when I’m copied I should be asked and of course, in most cases when bad intent is evident, I won’t be, but as a manufacturer or a business development idea, to copy a commercial idea is illegal. That is great but nobody has the manpower to enforce the law, I mean not the police, not the enforcing agencies and certainly not the rights owners, those with the idea to create money form their commercial ideas.

The legislation was in place without enforcement. So what did anyone in the industry do with the legislation? The answer is that without resources, detective capabilities and training they were unable to achieve any results from the legislation at all.

Now we will enforce the law that exists alongside our partner TM-Eye, the investigators and covert detective teams that have gathered enough evidence to accrue more than 50% more criminal convictions than the Trading Standards office achieved in 2016.

Leo Telling, BBC, Peter O’Doherty, Detective Chief Superintendent, City of London Police;

Dr Vanessa Brady OBE, SBID; Tony Nash TM Eye Ltd
