MilliOnAir Magazine January 2018 | Page 49

What countries would you like to visit that you have not been to as yet?

Russia, China and Japan.

And finally, what is the one item you cannot live without?

My computer.

Thank you so much for your time Ralph. Always a pleasure chatting with you.

There you have it folks! An insight into the world of Ralph Echemendia, Hollywood’s Ethical Hacker. Ralph said it himself, be mindful & be safe.

The online world has no signs of slowing down. It keeps moving at a pace that is hard to keep up. So be mindful of your online activity and use common sense when it comes to protecting yourself.

If you’d like to keep up with Ralph, you can visit his site

For queries about speaking bookings you can talk to his manager Jeffrey Goldberg
at Jeff Goldberg Management
[email protected]

Live, laugh, be bold, take risks & be super mega awesome

Love Always

Elise Quevedo, aka The Digital Ghost Queen


Photo credit Aivo Pidim

Photo credit Zachary Balber