MilliOnAir Magazine February 2018 | Page 93

Excuse #5 I’m Thin Already

Even if your weight is in a healthy range, you may have an excess percentage of body fat and a low percentage of muscle mass....that’s what they call SKINNY FAT. Weight is just one indicator of good/poor health. Exercise has benefits that you can’t get simply by keeping your weight down. Instead, think about the areas of your body that you can strengthen or improve flexibility.

Excuse #3 I forgot my gym clothes/shoes/headphones

PACK THE NIGHT BEFORE! You name it, if it didn’t make it into your gym bag, you can’t exercise without it. The universe is telling you NOT to go to the gym. This excuse lives more in our heads than in reality. If you fail to plan then plan to fail. Don’t allow yourself to be a victim of forgetfulness.

Excuse #4 My back hurts

Living an inactive lifestyle can cause tremendous back pain. The right exercises to your back, shoulders, and neck can drastically improve these issues. Avoid exercises that directly cause pain but don’t let that stop you from working around the injury and finding ways to strengthen other supporting muscle groups.