MilliOnAir Magazine June 2017 | 页面 81


In the meantime you can find her below:

Twitter : @EliseQuevedo 

Linkedin:  elisequevedo

Instagram: @EliseQuevedo

FB:  EliseQuevedoFanPage

You have now expanded into the PR world under the MilliOnAir brand. Can you tell us more about the services provided?

Along with the team, we look after start-up’s as well as established businesses. We are passionate about getting Brands seen and heard around the world and we are connected to some of the top brands and celebrities around the world

What advice do you have for anyone who wants to start something new but is afraid to do so?

I would say go with what you love doing, if you have a passion for something try and turn that into a business. I love creating, I have created art for celebrities, I have designed many many websites over the years, looked after UHNWI and managed social media accounts…I turned all of that into MilliOnAir Online Interactive Magazine and have never looked back, I love working my passion every single day.

Can you give us any top-secret information of what's to come over the next issues of MilliOnAir?


There will be a lot more video content, video advertising and video interviews, a lot more interaction in the magazine as well as very influential individuals and plenty more inspirational Hollywood stars.

Thank you, Millie,! I look forward to doing a catch up later in the year.

I love getting to know interesting people with a captivating story, and Millie for sure fits that criteria. Stay tuned as I share more stories and content that you will not want to miss. 

So, readers, if you have not shared MilliOnAir with the world yet, what are you waiting for? 

Let's keep it real,

Elise Quevedo 

Interview by: Author, International Speaker & Celeb Social Media Consultant Elise Quevedo, who now joins our team of official contributors for MilliOnAir. 

Want to know more about Elise? Don't miss our summer issues where we will tell you all about her.