MilliOnAir Magazine July 2017 | Page 134


Ryan Foland: Such a great Pay it Forward attitude. If you could leave Richtopians with one final thought, what would it be?

Tom Bilyeu: Here’s the thing. I’m going to deliver crushing value right now, and the bad news is nobody is going to do it. That is because it’s the truth. There is no shortcut, but getting out and actually learning about social media is the key to getting good at it. Facebook is my obsession right now, learning about their audience segmentation and how rapidly they’re evolving that and video ads. It is a world unto itself. Educating ourselves, the team here at Impact Theory, that’s all we think about, is educating ourselves and passing around information internally with what we learn. There is no substitute for getting good at things.

About the author RYAN FOLAND

Ryan Foland coaches leaders worldwide on the art of simplifying spoken and written messaging

for greater impact. Foland has been recognized by Inc. Magazine as a Top Youth Marketer in 2016

and named by Entrepreneur Magazine as a Top Personal Branding Expert in 2017. Ryan’s

company, InfluenceTree, specializes in helping individuals and companies discover,

communicate and grow their brands. To learn more about Ryan visit his website