Milk Producer April 2016 | Page 8

DAIRY UPDATE [ LICENSING REQUIREMENT Changes have been made to DFO Regulations and Grade A Inspection procedures t its March meeting, Dairy Farmers of Ontario’s (DFO) board approved changes to the DFO Milk General Regulation and the DFO Fees, Charges, Levies and Penalties Regulation. Changes went into effect on April 1, 2016. Meeting the requirements of the “Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Dairy Cattle” is now a licensing requirement to produce and market milk. Any Grade A inspection performed in addition to one initial Grade A inspection and one follow-up inspection in every two-year period is subject to a $250 farm inspection fee. The new policy ensures producers requiring more frequent inspections to maintain Grade A standards are directly responsible for paying the cost generated by these activities. It is important to note the frequency of Grade A inspections has been increased based on risk criteria related to milk quality test results, farm inspection history and complaints. The risk-based inspection program ensures an efficient use of DFO resources as it relates to the monitoring and enforcement of Grade A standards in Ontario. Upon inspection, farms that do not meet Grade A standards are being inspected more frequently. For example, a farm classified as unsanitary non-Grade A, is inspected around every three months until it is classified as Grade A in two consecutive inspections. At this point, the farm graduates to the six-month inspection frequency, which applies until the farm is classified as Grade A in two consecutive inspections. The farm then graduates to the 12-month inspection frequency, which will be maintained until the farm is classified as Grade A in two consecutive inspections. It is at this point the farm graduates to the 24-month inspection frequency. The graduated inspection schedule is shown in the adjacent tab