Milk Producer April 2016 | Page 37

THE FUTURE OF BODY SIZE TRAITS Individual herds may warrant more concern about stature, especially if cows aren’t fitting in existing stalls or parlours. In terms of breed goals, stature should be considered for corrective mating rather than striving for continued genetic and-or phenotypic increases. Due to stature’s correlation with other important traits, such as mammary system, it will likely continue to slowly increase over time. In the future, you can expect stature will evolve to reflect economically important traits related to cow size, such as feed efficiency and methane emissions, which are expected to be available for selection in the next few years. LYNSAY BEAVERS Average genetic index for stature data used to calculate genetic evaluations are also not the same. Finally, on a more technical level, models used to calculate genetic evaluations for the traits listed in the tables vary between countries, influencing correlations. Average stature at 26 months of age (cm) FIGURE 1 Phenotypic and genetic trait for stature in Canadian Holsteins. Year of birth Fly Problem? Treat it naturally! Break the fly reproduction cycle with the use of regular introductions of fly parasites. These natural enemies attack and kill flies where they feed and breed: in the manure! Effective: it controls flies in the immature stage. Safe: for both human and animal health Natural: unlike pesticides, no harmful side effects. Economical: call us for a free quotation! is the industry liaison co-ordinator for the Canadian Dairy Network. BRIAN VAN DOORMAAL is the general manager for the Canadian Dairy Network. 8VLQJÁ\SDUDVLWHVVXFFHVVIXOO\UHTXLUHVDQHDUO\VWDUW &DOOQRZWROOIUHHIRUDIUHHFRQVXOWDWLRQ 1-866-577-1117 201-86 Yarmouth St., Guelph, ON N1H 4G3 [email protected] ZZZEXJVIRUEXJVFD Make your farm a GANG FREE ZONE with independent discs. Q Q Q Engineered disc angles create aggressive, uniform action Disc vibration creates ideal soil particle size Only independent discs are designed for high speed (800) 488-0115 WWW.MILKPRODUCER.CA MILKPRODUCER | APRIL 2016 37