Military Review English Edition November December 2016 | Page 122

they built the party and movement; and to serve as the that encourages the Internet broadcast of beheadings party’s instrument for organizing followers of the parin a calculated effort that serves the dual purpose of ty, propagandizing the movement’s cause, and agitating both terrorizing opponents as well as taunting and in multiple venues to undermine the existing sociopofrustrating Western governments. litical order and set the conditions for the popular rise Subsequent to Lenin’s day, one can hardly think of an of the proletariat. identifiable revolutionary or insurgency movement with If Lenin were alive today, which instruments of any resilience in either the twentieth or twenty-first cencommunication would he seek to control in order to tury that did not feature a vanguard party with control organize, agitate, and propaor outright ownership of at least gandize his cause, and which one mass medium tailored to at the same time would serve its needs or the environment in as the scaffolding to build the which it operated. For examparty? If anything, Lenin was ple, the Volksicher Beobachter visionary and opportunistic. (National Observer) supported Therefore, there is no doubt the rise of the National Socialist that Lenin would have sought Party in pre-World War II out the most state-of-the-art Germany, Pravda (Truth) supmedia available in an effort ported the Bolshevik consolito focus public attention dation of power in Russia, and on his political objectives. Granma supported the comConsequently, the vast potenmunist party of Fidel Castro in tial for using the Internet and his domination of Cuba. These social media to reach millions are just a few such examples as a rapid and cost-effective demonstrating the fusion Lenin means for organizing, agitatstated was necessary between a ing, and propagandizing could vanguard party and control of not have failed to attract his a mass medium to usurp and attention. Though his program then maintain political hegeof modern activism might mony over a polity. have included traditional Among the first steps t