Military Review English Edition November-December 2014 | Page 40

• • • • • Advising leaders at platoon and higher levels Expertly training enlisted soldiers, crews, and small teams Taking care of soldiers and their families Enforcing standards Training subordinates to master their military occupational specialties Achieving these ends is vital to winning our nation’s wars across the full range of conflict. The NCO corps must leverage the three Soldiers attending the 7th Army’s NCO Academy learn leadership skills during simulattraining domains to enhance future ed missions at the Joint Multinational Training Command in Grafenwoehr, Germany, 10 NCO competencies so they can February 2009. (Photo by Christian Marquardt, 7th Army JMTC PAO) adapt to changing tactical, operational, and strategic conditions as Provide challenging and rigorous leader developwell as a thinking enemy. The complexity of the OE, ment training, education, and experiences that result coupled with the need to execute a full range of decenin earlier technical mastery, increased tactical skills, tralized operations in a variety of cultures, will drive adaptability, innovation, and agility—in other words, the increasing learning demand placed on NCOs. mastery of the NCO general learning outcomes.7 To ensure a capabilities-based strategy, analysts Articulate learning responsibilities and requirereviewed the framework in The United States Army ments across the three training domains (operational, Operating Concept.10 The Army operating concept proinstitutional, and self-development) and integrate them vides a “concept framework” for the development of cainto a synchronized, effective, and efficient developpabilities for the future force in the 2016 to 2028 timement system.8 frame. The framework contains a family of six concepts Improve professional development models and that examine the projected OE and provide strategic learning curricula so that soldiers and leaders can asguidance to develop the capabilities required in supsess leader development progress, track learning events, port of Army modernization. The U.S. Army Capstone create goals , and certify professionals. Concept is the foundation for a series of documents.11 Support identification and development of NCOs The operating concept’s six functional concepts align to serve in operational- and strategic-level assignments. with warfighting functions and three other concepts NCO 2020 will meet these objectives by accepting focused on the development of soldiers, leaders, and the challenge, learning from the past, and synthesizorganizations.12 The Army operating concept describes ing the “as is” with the “can be” using an instructional how Army forces will conduct operations as part of the systems design process. The ADDIE (analysis, design, joint force to deter conflict, prevail in war, and sucdevelopment, implementation, and evaluation) process ceed in a wide range of contingencies in the future OE. is the tool the Army will use to transform the current These documents guide efforts to identify and develop NCOES into the NCO 2020 system designed to supthe requirements of the future force in which an NCO port mission command and provide adaptability to the must lead. VUCA environment.9 The outcome will be an NCO In addition to the concepts, the Army Leader corps that supports Army goals and objectives by doing Development Strategy (ALDS) describes the characthe following: teristics the Army desires in leaders throughout their Leading teams, squads, and platoons careers. It contains the guiding strategy to build those Serving in staff roles characteristics.13 Together, the concepts and ALDS • • • • • • 38 November-December 2014  MILITARY REVIEW