Military Review English Edition May-June 2014 | Page 70

have included improving the ability of the host nations to contain insurgencies effectively while U.S. military influence in planning and execution waned. 29 This transition from open insurgency to normal political and economic life was the goal in each plan, the same as Iraq and Afghanistan. However, the evidence indicates that while the military is the best instrument to provide immediate, stabilizing security, the introduction of more military units tends to aggravate the population, driving more into insurgent activities. During these successful COIN campaigns, the interagency process worked to ensure that the military operations did not crowd out the political and economic work that was the fundamental key to success. Sgt. Jordano Hernandez, Company A, 163rd Military Intelligence Battalion, 504th Battlefield These “whole-country” Surveillance Brigade, speaks with members of the Afghan Border Police before attacking a plans were developed relapossible weapons cache site during Operation Southern Strike II near Yaro Kalay, Afghanistan, 4 June 2012. (U.S. Army, Sgt. Brendan Mackie) tively early in the campaign. In all three countries, immediate military assistance from the U.S. task forces sought to stabilize bat- deployments of direct combat forces. Myriad tered host-nation security forces. Military support tools and authorities that fall under theater secuconcentrated on weapons and tactics training. rity cooperation will allow robust and persistent There was no attempt to transform the society, as engagement. Experiences in El Salvador, Colomwas the case in Afghanistan with the International bia, and the Philippines illustrate three ongoing Security Assistance Force’s focus on governance constraints that need not impair effectiveness: Congressionally mandated constraints on and development. military activities. Far from causing problems while assisting partners, congressional guidance Conclusion The Joint Force 2020 concept identifies a future in the form of policies and laws actually serve to security environment in which armed conflict will clarify the working relationships between the milibe inevitable and enduring.30 As they always have, tary services and the rest of the U.S. government. irreconcilable wills continue trying to dominate Occasional hearings and mandated reports ensure each other through violence. When the United that the ultimate arbiter of foreign policy—the States responds to conflict, its approach needs to American public—supports military involvement. Force caps. Mandating upper limits on the account for political and fiscal constraints. This means working with partners and avoiding large deployments of personnel forces headquarters 68 May-June 2014 MILITARY REVIEW