Military Review English Edition March-April 2016 | Page 118

results in order to contribute to the larger whole, uneffectively deal with the level of complexity apparent derstanding the intricacies of what landpower is, crein the current and future security environments. The ating contextual multiplicity, and mastering its tenets. level of commitment on the part of the Army and its Without a shared understanding of complexity within Civilian Corps to master the specialized knowledge the security environment from a cultural context of the inherent in creating and optimizing dominant landArmy Profession by all power is daunting but cohorts—moral, ethical, achievable. Producing and optimal outcomes The level of commitment on Army civilians who are compromised.21 emulate this committhe part of the Army and This realization drove ment is critical. the Army to invest in Any focus on its Civilian Corps to master changing and melding discounting Army the cultures of Army civilians as members of the specialized knowledge civilians and soldiers the Army Profession inherent in creating and who embrace commitbecause they use readily ment as a prerequisite for available skill sets that optimizing dominant optimized performance embody technical within the landpower knowledge available landpower is daunting but environment.22 In order in the public sector to generate a shared achievable. Producing Army misses the point of what understanding of culture the Army Profession’s civilians who emulate this and the commitment specialized knowledge necessary to operationis and how the Army commitment is critical. alize change, the Army uses that knowledge must professionalize all to optimize its unique its cohorts. service. The Army is not developing budget analysts or training developers or human resource specialists; Commitment instead, the Army is developing committed landpower Commitment is one of the three certification experts certified in competencies that ensure it can mandates for professional membership. We can better perform the unique service society demands. It just so appreciate the concept of commitment and its value happens those experts also develop budgets, educate by contrasting it with compliance. Compliant employ- Army professionals, and create training programs. ees exemplify the nonprofessional. (Note the term The Army is creating a level of commitment within is nonprofessional vice unprofessional.) Compliance its Army civilians that will generate great personal can be all that is necessary to perform a task in the sacrifice whether one takes up a weapon or a key board. day-to-day workings of a civilian’s job. The measure of And, the Army is developing professionals of character success is completion or production. Contextual and who warrant the trust our nation has granted across cultural understanding never enter into the process as all cohorts and specialties. The test of membership there is no need. Compliant employees do not need to for the Army civilian is realized by certifying compesee their contributions as part of a larger whole or as tence in the specialized knowledge of landpower that the perpetuation of a professional culture. There is no includes acquiring complete cultural understanding connection to optimizing landpower or even underand acceptance, demonstrating character in the constanding what it is because there is no commitment to duct of our professional and personal behavior guided do so. As long as the compliant employees complete by the Army Values, and exemplifying the level of x or produce y, they have met the objective—task commitment commensurate with the sacrifices of our completion. The Army Profession concluded that uniformed partners. It is true there are gaps in the compliance was not acceptable if the Army was to current policies, strategies, and professionalization 116 March-April 2016  MILITARY REVIEW