Military Review English Edition July-August 2015 | Page 112

Notes 1. Albu is used to denote a large tribal configuration, but Abu also may be employed as an article for a tribal name. Thus, some sources refer to the Nimr tribe as the Abu Nimr, others as the Albu Nimr. 2. Matt Bradley, “Islamic State Executes at Least 40 Tribal and Iraqi Government Fighters,” Wall Street Journal, 29 October 2014. 3. “IS Militants Execute 75 Tribesmen in Western Iraq,” Xinhua, 30 October 2014. 4. “Islamic State: Militants Kill 50 from Iraqi Anbar Tribe,” BBC [British Broadcasting Corporation], 1 November 2014 (reporting executions in Ras al-Maa); “ISIS Kills 85 More Members of Iraqi Tribe,” Reuters, 1 November 2014 (describing bodies found in Hit). 5. See “Islamic State ‘Kills 322’ from Single Sunni Tribe,” BBC, 2 November 2014 (describing IS’s public execution of fifty tribesmen); “IS Militants Execute 67 Tribesmen in Western Iraq,” Xinhua, 2 November 2014 (describing IS’s killing of sixty-seven tribe members as they fled). 6. “IS Militants Execute 36 Tribesmen in Western Iraq,” Xinhua, 4 November 2014. 7. “Iraq Security Forces on Alert as Shi’ites Gather for Ashura,” Reuters, 4 November 2014. 8. “Asaabaat Daa’esh Tartakeb Majzarah Jadeeda Bihaqq ‘Asheerat al-Bu Nimr Bi’i’daamha Akthar min 70 Shakhsaan,” Iraqi Media Net, 11 November 2014 (describing IS’s execution of 70 Albu Nimr tribesmen); “Daa’esh Ya’adam 16 Shakhsaan min ‘Asheerat al-Bu Nimr Shimaali Sharq al-Ramadi,” Al-Mada Press, 13 November 2014 (reporting execution of sixteen Albu Nimr members). 9. AQI would go through several name changes before finally settling on the IS appellation after it announced that it had reestablished the caliphate. See Aaron Y. Zelin, The War between ISIS and al-Qaida for Supremacy of the Global Jihadist Movement (Washington, DC: Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 2014), table 1 (detailing IS’s various name changes). This article refers to the group as AQI up until its expulsion from al-Qaida in February 2014, and calls it IS thereafter. 10. Gary W. Montgomery and Timothy S. McWilliams, Al-Anbar Awakening vol. 2: Iraqi Perspectives (Quantico, VA: Marine Corps University Press, 2009), 46,188. 11. Nadem al-Jabouri, Tanthim al-Qaida fi-l-Iraq (unpublished manuscript, 2009), 3; Waleed al-R v