Military Review English Edition July-August 2014 | Page 90

divided New England from the rest of the colonial insurgents or allowed them to unite. Conflicting claims issued by New York and New Hampshire to the area that eventually became Vermont turned the skirmishes into a civil war. This struggle is the subject of Corbett’s book. He begins with the 1763 treaty, which opened the region to British settlement. He shows how regional religious, political, economic, and family fractures formed and how their differences framed the regional struggle for colonial independence, which the decisive victory at Saratoga did not influence. He shows that the war in the north was identical to the war in the south. He ends, not with the successful achievement of independence but with its aftermath—the debtor rebellions in the 1780s. Corbett argues that the war for American Independence was a multi-sided struggle pitting rebels, loyalists, and their allies against each other. There was a struggle between the governments of New York and New Hampshire for control of the territory that became Vermont. Settlers holding land grants transferred their loyalty to whomever provided protection and recognized their claims. Colonists took sides based on their own interests, family, social c