Military Review English Edition January-February 2017 | Page 63

COMPLEX IPB Step four Determine adversary and other relevant actor courses of action Define the operational environment Step one Holistic view of the operational environment Step three Evaluate the adversary and other relevant actors Describe the impact of the operational environment Step two Joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment process (Graphic from Joint Publication 2-01.3, Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment [Washington, DC: U.S. Government Publishing Office, 21 May 2014], I-25) 1. Define the operational environment 6. Evaluate population behavior Holistic view of the operational environment 5. Assess group interactions 2. Describe the fitness landscape effects 3. Evaluate major groups 4. Evaluate major groups’ courses of action Complex intelligence preparation of the battlefield (Graphic by Victor R. Morris; steps from Tom Pike and Piotr M. Zagorowski, “Dense Urban Areas: Th