Military Review Edição Brasileira Julho-Setembro 2016 | Page 40

MilitaryReview _ 20140228 _ art010 . pdf .
6 . USAFRICOM , United States Africa Command 2015 Posture Statement , apresentado ao 114o Congresso , 1a sessão ( Washington , DC : Department of the Army , March 2015 ), acesso em 1 mar . 2016 , http :// www . africom . mil / newsroom / document / 25285 / usafricom-posture-statement-2015 . 7 . Ortiz , p . 5-6 , 8 . 8 . John M . McHugh e Raymond T . Odierno , A Statement on the Posture of the United States Army 2015 , apresentado ao 114o Congresso , 1a sessão ( Washington , DC : Department of the Army , March 2015 ), p . 3 , acesso em 1 mar . 2016 , http :// www . army . mil / aps .
9 . Sam LaGrone , “ Spain and U . S . Sign Permanent Basing Agreement for up to 3,500 U . S . Marines ,” website do USNI [ United States Naval Institute ] News , 18 Jun . 2015 , acesso em 1 mar . 2016 , http :// tinyurl . com / guary45 . 10 . Ibid . 11 . Ibid . 12 . Shawn P . Eklund , “ SECNAV [ Secretary of the Navy ] Tours State of the Art Shipyard ,” website da U . S . Navy , 23 Feb . 2007 , acesso em 1 dez . 2015 , http :// www . navy . mil / submit / display . asp ? story _ id = 27971 . 13 . Ibid . 14 . “ Container Specifications ,” website da Evergreen Marine Corporation , acesso em 3 mar . 2016 , http :// www . evergreen-marine . com / tei1 / jsp / TEI1 _ Containers . jsp . Os contêineres de transporte de padrão industrial vêm em uma variedade de tamanhos . Um pequeno contêiner de uso geral é 20 ’ ( pés ) de cumprimento por 8 ’ de largura por 8.5 ’ de altura ( 6.10m X 2.44m X 2.59m ). Alguns são 40 ’ de cumprimento por 8 ’ de largura e 8.5 ’ ou 9.5 ’ de altura ( 12.19m X 2.44m X 2.59m ou 2.90m ), sendo que o último é chamado um “ hicube ”. Até existem contêineres frigoríficos , de tanque de combustível e de geradores / fonte de poder .
15 . Alphaliner , “ Cellular Fleet at 1st July 2013 ,” in Container Vessel Fleet , website do World Shipping Council , acesso em 1 mar . 2016 , http :// www . worldshipping . org / about-the-industry / liner-ships / container-vessel-fleet .
16 . United Nations Conference on Trade and Development ( UNCTAD ), Review of Maritime Transport , 2014 , annual report ( New York : United Nations , 2014 ), table 2.4 .
17 . United States Maritime Administration , “ United States Flag Privately-Owned Merchant Fleet , 2000-2014 ,” website da United States Maritime Administration , 7 Jan . 2014 , acesso em 1 mar . 2016 , http :// www . marad . dot . gov / wp-content / uploads / xls / US-Fleet _ Summary _ Table _ 2000-2014 . xls .
18 . U . S . Air Force Air Mobility Command , “ Civil Reserve Air Fleet ,” U . S . Air Force online fact sheet , 2015 , acesso em 1 mar . 2016 , http :// www . amc . af . mil / library / factsheets / factsheet _ print . asp ? fsID = 234 & page = 1 .
19 . Agence France-Presse , “ Report : China Orders Civilian Ships Adapted For Military Use ,” website da Defense News , 18 Jun . 2015 , acesso em 3 dez . 2015 , http :// www . defensenews . com / story / defense / international / asia-pacific / 2015 / 06 / 18 / report-china-orders-civilian-ships-adapted-military-use / 28952269 . 20 . USAFRICOM , “ AFRICOM Command Brief 2014 ,” p . 6 . 21 . Department of State , Office of the Spokesperson , “ The
Lord ’ s Resistance Army : Fact Sheet ,” website do Department of State , 23 Mar . 2012 , acesso em 29 fev . 2016 , http :// www . state . gov / r / pa / prs / ps / 2012 / 03 / 186734 . htm . 22 . Ibid . 23 . Esses conjuntos de missão são planejados para serem descritivos por natureza , refletindo capacidades de movimento de tropas navio-praia e navio-navio , respectivamente . Assim , quaisquer pessoas podem usar esses conjuntos — não apenas fuzileiros navais ou marinheiros da Guarda Costeira .
24 . Para uma descrição mais detalhada das missões essenciais da Marinha , consulte o blog Dignified Rant ; “ Forward … to a Thousand-Ship American Navy ,” uma entrada do blog por Brian J . Dunn , 18 Dec . 2009 , acesso em 1 mar . 2016 , http :// thedignifiedrant . blogspot . com / 2009 / 12 / forward-to-thousand-ship-american- -navy . html .
25 . United Nations , “ MONUSCO : United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo ,” website das Nações Unidas , acesso em 1 mar . 2016 , http :// www . un . org / en / peacekeeping / missions / monusco / background . shtml .
26 . International Crisis Group , Zimbabwe : Waiting for the Future ( Johannesburg / Brussels : International Crisis Group , Africa briefing no . 103 , 29 Sep . 2014 ), acesso em 1 mar . 2016 , http :// www . crisisgroup . org /~/ media / Files / africa / southern-africa / zimbabwe / b103-zimbabwe-waiting-for-the-future . pdf .
27 . Marc Santora e Paulo Nunes Dos Santos , “ Burundi Students Enter U . S . Embassy as Political Tensions Escalate ,” website da New York Times , 25 Jun . 2015 , http :// www . nytimes . com / 2015 / 06 / 26 / world / africa / vice-president-burundi . html .
28 . Jim Garamone , “ DoD May Deploy up to 4,000 Troops to Combat Ebola ,” website da Department of Defense News , 3 Oct . 2014 , acesso em 1 mar . 2016 , http :// www . defense . gov / News-Article-View / Article / 603381 . 29 . USAFRICOM , “ AFRICOM Command Brief 2014 ,” p . 9 . 30 . Voice of America , “ Yemen And Iranian Supplied Weapons ,” editorial no website da Voz da América , 19 Feb . 2013 , acesso em 1 mar . 2016 , http :// editorials . voa . gov / content / iran-yemen- -proliferation / 1606405 . html ; Office of the Press Secretary , “ Press Briefing by Press Secretary Josh Earnest , 4 / 21 / 2015 ,” website da Casa Branca , 21 Apr . 2015 , acesso em 1 mar . 2016 , https :// www . whitehouse . gov / the-press-office / 2015 / 04 / 21 / press-briefing-press-secretary-josh-earnest-4212015 ; Department of State Bureau of Counterterrorism , “ State Sponsors of Terrorism Overview ,” in Country Reports on Terrorism 2014 , website do Departamento de Estado , acesso em 1 mar . 2016 , http :// www . state . gov / j / ct / rls / crt / 2014 / 239410 . htm .
31 . Megan Eckstein , “ Marines Testing Operating from Foreign Ships , Near-Forgotten Platforms to Bring Units Back to Sea ,” website da USNI News , 23 Jun . 2015 , acesso em : 1 mar . 2016 , http :// news . usni . org / 2015 / 06 / 23 / marines-testing-operating-from-foreign-ships-near-forgotten-platforms-to-bring-units-back-to-sea .
32 . Claudette Roulo , “ More Ships Equal More Drugs Seized , SOUTHCOM Commander Says ,” website do Comando Sul dos EUA , 13 Mar . 2014 , acesso em 1 mar . 2016 , http :// www . southcom . mil / newsroom / Pages / More-Ships-Equal-More-Drugs-Seized , -SOU- THCOM-Commander-Says . aspx .
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