Military Review Edición Hispano-americana Julio-Septiembre 2016 | Page 18

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6 . Timothy Thomas , Recasting the Red Star : Russia Forges Tradition and Technology through Toughness ( Fort Leavenworth , KS : Foreign Military Studies Office , 2011 ), p . 1 .
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20 . G . S . Isserson , The Evolution of Operational Art , traducción de Bruce Menning ( Leavenworth , KS : Combat Studies Institute Press , 2013 ), p . 5 .
21 . A . Svechin , Strategy , 4a edición , ed . Kent D . Lee ( Minneapolis : East View Publications , 2004 ), p . 84 .
22 . Carl Von Clausewitz , On War , eds . Michael Howard y Peter Peret ( Princeton , NJ : Princeton University Press , 1989 ), p . 89 .
23 . B . H . Liddell Hart , Strategy , 2a edición . ( New York : Plume ,
1991 ), p . 183 . 24 . Berzins , Russia ’ s New Generation Warfare , p . 4 . 25 . Timothy Thomas , Recasting the Red Star , p . 118 . 26 . Phillip Karber , « Russia ’ s Bybrid War Campaign : Implications for Ukraine and Beyond » ( Presentación de PowerPoint proveniente de la charla , Center for Strategic and International Studies Russian Military Forum , Vienna , estado de Virginia , 10 de marzo de 2015 ).
27 . Ronald Asmus , A Little War that Shook the World : Georgia , Russia , and the Future of the West ( Nueva York : ST . Martin ’ s Press , 2010 ).
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U . S . GPO , noviembre de 2010 ), v . 31 . Berzins , Russia ’ s New Generation Warfare , p . 4 . 32 . Mary Platt Parmele , A Short History of Russia ( Nueva York :
Charles Scribner ’ s Sons , 1907 ), p . 9 . 33 . David G . Chandler , The Campaigns of Napoleon ( Nueva
York : Scribner , 1995 ), p . 831 .
34 . David M . Glantz y Jonathan House , When Titans Clashed : How the Red Army Stopped Hitler ( Lawrence , KS : University Press of Kansas , 1995 ), p . 181 .
35 . Alvin Coox , Nomonhan : Japan against Russia , 1939 ( Stanford , CA : Stanford University Press , 1985 ), p . 1123 ; Edward Drea , « Nomonhan : Japanese-Soviet Tactical Combat , 1939 », Leavenworth Papers p . 2 ( 2 de enero de 1981 ): p . 9 ; R . Ernest Dupuy y Trevor N . Dupuy , The Encyclopedia of Military History from 3500 B . C . to the present , 2a edición ( Nueva York : Harper & Row publishers , 1986 ), p . 1099 ; David M . Glantz y Jonathan M . House , When Titans Clashed : How the Red Army Stopped Hitler ( Modern War Studies ) ( Lawrence , KS : University Press of Kansas , 1995 ), p . 196 . 36 . Karber , « Russia ’ s Hybrid War ». 37 . Ibíd . 38 . Lucian Kim , « The Battle of Ilovaisk : Details of a Massacre Inside Rebel-Held Eastern Ukraine », Newsweek , 4 de noviembre de 2014 , p . 1 , accedido el 12 de febrero de 2016 , http :// www . newsweek . com / 2014 / 11 / 14 / battle-ilovaisk-details-massacre-inside-rebel-held-eastern-ukraine-282003 . html ? piano _ t = 1 .
39 . « Retreating from Debaltseve : They Gave Us “ Green ” Corridor with Grads and Tanks », YouTube , 19 de febrero de 2015 , accedido el 12 de febrero de 2016 , https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = coedpf8utls . El BM-21 , apodado Grad , es un sistema de lanzacohetes de 122 mm montado sobre un camión .
40 . Agence France-Presse , « Ukraine Lost 179 Troops in Battle for Debaltseve : Advisor », 21 de febrero de 2015 , accedido el 12 de febrero de 2016 , http :// news . yahoo . com / ukraine-lost-179-troops-battle-debaltseve-aide-114009798 . html .
41 . NSC 68 , « A Report to the National Security Council », Truman Papers , 12 de abril de 1950 , accedido el 12 de febrero de 2016 , https :// www . trumanlibrary . org / whistlestop / study _ collections / coldwar / documents / pdf / 10-1 . pdf .
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