Military Greek Life Issue 01 JAN/FEB 2016 | Page 10

What is the purpose of a council

and does the Military Greek Lettered Organizational community need one?


Military Greek Lettered Organizations (MGLOs) are steadily making their mark in their communities and beyond. Memberships are growing, as well as their outreach. Each year MGLO members will pay annual dues, perform community service, and associate with their selected organization. They will likely receive mentorship, engage in networking opportunities, and obtain the support needed to be positive contributors to their communities. Before long, some of the MGLOs will be serving in the same areas, and in some cases, this might cause conflict. The big question is what keeps these organizations accountable to their members, their mission, and ensures that one organization does not interfere with the mission of the other?

A Little History

The most notable, traditional Greek lettered organizations are held to a universal standard established by a council, association, or conference. There are several governing authorities but consider the hundreds of traditional Greek Lettered Organizations (GLOs) that have come together under umbrella organizations such as: North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC), National Panhellenic Conference (NPC), National Multicultural Greek Council (NMGC), and the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC).

These associations were created upon realizing that they had common values and principles. They encourage camaraderie and cooperation, while creating awareness of their common values and supporting one another in individual endeavors. They promote their collective actions through positive public relations efforts. They help each other deal with blind spots in leadership and hold each other to high ethical standards. Councils are created as a means to provide a forum for open dialogue, deliberations, and discussions towards the needs of the organizations, community, and members in their ranks. Competitions are for fun, not done in spite. In short, uniting on a common platform allows each organization to be the other’s keeper.

Some Questions to Consider

Since MGLOs are still in their infancy by organizational standards, could creating a common council help increase longevity and ensure that the organizations are holding true to their missions? Can the MGLOs come together in good will to support the greater good of the MGLO community? Is the MGLO community ready to step up to answer the call?Is a council needed? Last, but not least, what other key points might support the need for a council or deter an organization from falling in? The questions are out there.

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all in favor?