Mile 62 by MoxiWorks Issue XXVIII | Page 25

Written by Maddie Heye

Senior Marketing Manager, MoxiWorks

MILE 62 / 24


Didn’t know you can now create interactive buyer tours with your CMA tool or that you can advertise your listing on Facebook directly from your CRM? Office meetings are a great place to learn about new tips and tricks for leveraging the technology already at your fingertips, saving you time and winning more business. Don’t miss out on feature releases, new tools available to you, and new ways to leverage technology in your business.

7. Tips for leveraging your technology

Use these meetings as a chance to learn about what’s happening in the communities you work in. Hear about new construction or changes with local businesses, insights on local competitors, and relevant upcoming events that you should be aware of. Stay in touch with your local market to stay up to date with any changes around you.

The life of a real estate agent is a busy, on-the-go life which can make it easy to forego things like your regular office meetings. But by skipping these, you’re likely doing yourself a disservice. Attending your brokerage’s office meetings is an opportunity to strengthen relationships with peers, grow your business, get support, and make your life as an agent a bit easier.

8. Learn about happenings in your local market