Mile 62 by MoxiWorks Issue XXVIII | Page 16

15 / MILE 62


What's New?

MoxiPresent: Did you know it could do this?

As you know, MoxiPresent is SO much more than the average CMA. As an interactive presentation tool, the possibilities are quite literally endless with what you can create. So, go ahead, let your imagination soar and think of all the ways you’re not currently utilizing MoxiPresent for, but you could!

We’ll start you off with 16 different ways to use MoxiPresent.

14. Put it on your postcards

Similar to our recommendation on online advertising, you can also create a custom link through Bitly or another source and track clicks to your listing presentations. This will help you see the ROI on your print materials and give your presentations one more outlet for having time to shine.

15. “Link in bio”

Update the link in your social media profiles to your latest open house or listing presentation so you’re constantly driving clicks and traffic!

Click here for 16 ways to use MoxiPresent!

Get Started

MoxiEngage: New update!

When you are looking in your MoxiEngage calendar you can see all of the tasks you have for today or tomorrow or the next Thursday or… you get the point. Now, this will also display all of the people associated with each task. This way, you can see all the people you’re working with and the tasks you have due for any given day!