Mile 62 by MoxiWorks Issue XXVI | Page 15

MILE 62 / 14

Written by Lois Liu

Marketing, MoxiWorks

Links on other pages that navigate back to your own website are called backlinks. The ones you created from your business listings in level 1 gave you a few gold coins, but now’s the time to really gobble up these game points.

Level 3: Link Building

Creating online advertisements, especially those on Facebook, are highly successful in navigating users back to your website. And if you have Promote by MoxiMarketing, we do all the work for you, simultaneously introducing your brand personality and solving your client’s problems — right there in the ad.

While receiving reviews, you also have the power to leave them. How are you enjoying your brokerage’s software system? Generate a backlink by creating a profile on review sites such as Capterra with a link to your page in your bio.

On top of managing your own blog, participate in other real estate communities and websites, such as Active Rain, and start a dialogue through commenting or posting. You might also be able to repurpose your blog content through these opportunities. A great “two-birds-one-stone” option.

Hopefully, this guide has given you some fresh ideas for the Google game. The best part of these levels is that you’re reaping rewards from unpaid efforts. These small improvements might seem incremental, but when combined, they will have a noticeable impact on your website and visibility. With time and effort, you’ll be playing to win.