Mile 62 by MoxiWorks Issue XXIX | Page 25

Written by Tiana Baur

Inside Sales Manager, MoxiWorks

MILE 62 / 24


11. Check in with yourself. At the end of each week, or each month, think about what went right and what went wrong. Be honest with yourself.

12. Be consistent. An obvious one, but an important one nonetheless! Don’t fall into lulls or periods of taking “breaks,” it won’t end well.

13. Don’t do it alone. Whether it’s your best friend, partner, brother, or mother, it’s good to vocalize your resolution to someone else. This holds you more accountable.

14. Believe in yourself. Set a reminder on your phone that reminds you daily that you can do this.

15. Pick an end date. Maybe it’s through the end of December. Maybe the goal is to make it to Thanksgiving. Again, pick a date that feels right.

16. Divvy it up. If your resolution is too big to accomplish in one year, then divide it up into year-size pieces and follow the same steps.

17. Don’t let the haters get you down. There will always be naysayers. Ignore them. If you’re passionate about a certain resolution you want to make, then that’s all that matters.

18. Make it fun. Aligning with the “don’t deprive yourself” message, make sure you try to make it fun as well. If your goal is to be healthier, take some cooking classes or join a fitness class with your friends. If it’s to get a promotion or take your business to the next level, find a mentor you enjoy hanging around. Making a better version of yourself should be fun!

19. Take care of you. Remember to practice mindfulness, to pamper yourself, to breathe along the way. Listen to your body, get enough sleep, drink enough water, enjoy the process.

20. And finally, if you want to make your New Year’s resolution come to fruition, then MAKE IT HAPPEN! The only person standing in your way is you.