Mile 62 by MoxiWorks Issue XXIX | Page 24

23 / MILE 62

1. Reflect. Think about what you’re most grateful for; what you most enjoy in life. Think about what you hold as most valuable. If you don’t make resolutions that align with your values, it will be hard to stick to them.

2. Be specific. It should fit in one sentence, with a very precise actionable item.

3. Pick a start date. No, it doesn’t have to be January first. Pick a date you feel makes sense and is realistic.

4. Pick one. This one might be especially tricky if you’re a serious go-getter but try to stick to just one resolution. If that doesn’t feel like enough, you can always make a prioritized list. Once you feel like you’ve tackled one resolution by your goal date, start with the next one on your list. By tackling one at a time you’ll be able to fully commit to the task at hand without spreading yourself too thin.

5. Don’t deprive yourself. Often times people pick New Year’s resolutions as almost a punishment or restriction. Your goals should be a step outside of your comfort zone, but they shouldn’t be incredibly uncomfortable. If they are, they’ll be impossible to stick to.

6. Figure out your “why.” You absolutely need to know the real, deep down reason why you’re picking a specific resolution. Ask yourself “why?” Answer it. Ask yourself “why?” again. Do this until you hit the core.

7. Plan rewards. To keep the ultimate encouragement motivation going, plan monthly or bi-monthly special treats for yourself if you’re able to stay on path.

8. Accept failure. It’s not easy to change overnight. Accept the minor setbacks and embrace each new day as just that.

9. Write it down on a sticky note. Keep that sticky note by your bed or at your desk. It will be a constant reminder and motivator for you to stay committed.

10. Anticipate problems. Write them down. Knowing what bumps in the road may come allows you to think of ways to cope before they arise.