Mile 62 by MoxiWorks Issue XXIX | Page 15

MILE 62 / 14

Written by Nathan Losch

Customer Success Team Lead, MoxiWorks

We all know that MoxiEngage comes with task lists for each part of the sales flow to help you stay on track. Most of us know that you can add your own task to any individual task list for any individual contact. But only the coolest agents know how to universally update their lists so that the tasks they always use with great success apply to every single task list. Definitely efficient. And, definitely cool!

Custom Task Lists

What’s cooler than making somebody feel special on a day that is important to them? Making them feel incredibly special, of course! You can customize your default special dates message to be something that sets you apart from the crowd. You can also customize each individual message for a really strong connection.

The best way to maintain and increase your level of coolness is to keep growing and improving as an agent. Hopefully, these tips help you to extend yourself and the benefits that you get from MoxiEngage!

Customize Special Dates Messages