Mile 62 by MoxiWorks Issue XXIV | Page 6

5 / MILE 62

2. Host events.

It’s all about presentation when it comes to home-buying, and what’s more eye-catching than a theme? Bring your open house to the next level with a theme such as a beach house, backyard jungle, autumn rush, or winter wonderland! Use your own decorations to brighten up the space without breaking the bank. Getting creative with the interior of the home will allow potential buyers to see how versatile it can be for any future ideas they may have.

1. Theme your open house

Before you have potential buyers come over, detach any traces of another human being from the home, whether they be family photos, marking of a child’s height on the wall, or things of that sort. When a homebuyer looks at the house, they want to envision it as their home and no one else’s.

2. Clear the home of personal items

The internet is a powerful, accessible tool that opens endless options for those who are seeking their next place to call home. Driving down neighborhood streets for houses with balloons and obnoxious signs are obsolete. A 2017 report from the NAR found that 42% of home buyers now begin their search online. To market your open house even further, you can purchase an advertisement through our seamless promotion suite, MoxiMarketing to get the word out on social media.

3. Promote it on social media (make it an event)

Similar to speaking in front of a group of people or selling a product, the best way to establish a connection and show you care is to know your audience. Perhaps your demographic will be millennials because the listing is an apartment in the city. Research trends and what type of decor is popular for their age group. For parents searching for their first family home, showcasing the home as the perfect place to raise their children would resonate well with them!

4. Identify your target audience and cater to them (millennials, older audience, families)

The first impression your potential buyers will make about the quality of the home will come from the exterior. Ensure everything looks clean and presentable, such as the lawn maintenance and the porch. Spruce up the entryway with fresh flowers to bring in a pleasant scent and a welcoming ambiance.

5. Make a stunning first impression with strong curb appeal

As soon as your visitors enter the home, have them submit their contact information. This will not only keep track of how many people attended your open house, but it gives you the opportunity to grow your sphere for future sales. Some people are wary about giving away their personal information, but we suggest creating an incentive for signing up which leads to the next tip …

6. Require sign-ins from attendees to generate leads and expand your sphere curb appeal

Keep your open house as engaging and exciting as possible with a fun raffle. All your visitors can enter by giving you their contact

7. Hold a raffle for attendees