Mile 62 by MoxiWorks Issue XXIV | Page 19

MILE 62 / 18

Written by Tiana Baur

Marketing Manager, MoxiWorks

Word of mouth.

I’m assuming if you’re a human reading this, then you’ve played the telephone game. Remember how no matter what, the end statement always differed from what was said at the start?

Here’s a scenario: you comment on a post. A parent that goes to your kid’s school sees it on Facebook. You don’t know each other well, but they’re pretty connected in the community and are constantly hosting events and volunteering at the school, etc. They take what you said, and because they’re deeply offended, talk it up to be even worse than it is, and by tomorrow, every other parent in your kid’s grade knows about it. You’re embarrassed, your kid is embarrassed, and John and his wife — along with a couple of other promising clients — just switched real estate agents.

When in doubt, log out.

If all else fails, just log out. Do it. Close your browser, go for a run, a walk, or grab a beer. Whatever you feel you need to say online is not worth the buckets and buckets of money it could cost you.

The importance of not being polarizing has skyrocketed. While you should most assuredly be yourself on your social media channels, website, blogs, etc., you can still do so effectively while steering clear of controversial topics! Don’t forget this is your brand at stake and you must protect it.