Mile 62 by MoxiWorks Issue XXIV | Page 18

17 / MILE 62

Why? Real estate is a people business. Full stop. Whether it’s fair or not, real estate agents (you) have to be more careful than others might need to be. You can’t know how every single one of your clients and future clients feel about certain topics, their views, history, and all the things that culminate into an individual’s stance on a variety of topics. If you offend a flurry of people (whether that was your intention or not), all the hard work of building your professional brand can go down the drain in mere minutes.

If that’s not enough to persuade you, hopefully, these points will!

Type, then delete.

We all know that feeling: the one where your body starts to heat up and you begin to furiously respond to a comment or post that you vehemently disagree with. I’ve done this a million times, but you know what? I never post it. Sometimes just writing a response can be cathartic and when you hit that backspace button instead of posting, it will ensure that you don’t offend a client or future client, and don’t get caught up in a heated social media battle.

The internet is forever.

Let’s say you didn’t hit backspace. You posted something yesterday and you regret it today, so you go back in and delete it. How many people already saw it? How many people took a screenshot of it and sent it to their friends?

Anything and everything you’ve ever posted on the internet is out there somewhere, even if you deleted it. It’s scary, but it’s true. We all have ghosts — there’s no need to create new ones that can come back and haunt your amazing real estate career!