Mid Cheshire College 2013 | Page 16

DRES S COD E MID CHES HIRE COL LEGE – STUD ENT LIFE HAN DBO OK Dress Code Mobile Phones Mid Cheshire College understands that your mobile phone is important to you. However, like any other workplace, there are times when your phones should be switched off to avoid distraction, both to yourself and others. We appreciate that you want to keep in touch with your friends and family but you are not permitted to have your phone switched on in any classroom, or other learning environment, unless directed by your tutor to do so. Here are some helpful hints about using your phone in College: * Tutors may ask you to switch your phone off at the start of class and place it in their view. In other cases, it may be sufficient that you are asked to switch off your mobile phones and asked to place them out of sight. * If you are expecting an urgent or important call, talk to your tutor about this. * Some tutors may allow you a ‘text break’ – a few minutes during class time when you can check your phone for missed calls or texts. * Please remember that if you are working with your phone, you are not paying full attention to what is going on around you. Many people see this as a lack of respect. The way we dress makes statements about how we see the world and our place in it. Clothing has symbolic as well as practical value. In the workplace and learning environment, the values associated with clothing tend to be expressed in terms of formality or propriety. At Mid Cheshire College, we believe that learners have the right to express themselves. However, it should also be remembered that our campus buildings are places of work and learning. Mid Cheshire College provides education and training for learners from all different cultures and backgrounds. We aspire to maintain a harmonious educational and working environment where all learners, employees and visitors have mutual respect for each other and their cultural difference. This code in the main is not designed to be prescriptive, but rather is based on a set of principles to guide learners’ choices and reduce inappropriate dress. Some Dangers of Mobile Phones SAFEGUARDING * * * * * * 16 Downloading unsuitable content (images or text) Sending anonymous texts or making threats Name calling or insulting texts Giving out personal information that others may feel embarrassed about Sending frightening or obscene images Taking photographs or video footage Sending or receiving some types of texts or images may constitute a criminal offence. You should be aware of the problems created by using Bluetooth technology, and giving your contact details out in an unsolicited manner. Principles Wherever possible people should be able to adopt whatever sort of dress they choose and feel free to express themselves in dress, providing that their choices do not breach the principles below and/or cause significant offence to other College users. Learners are expected to take responsibility for dressing in ways that are appropriate to the activity they are involved in, and to recognise that some forms of dress can pose an unreasonable challenge, in a variety of ways, to others who share College premises or experiences with them. Health & Safety The College needs to be able to identify individual learners and staff easily in order to maintain the safety and security of everyone, therefore, learners’ faces should be clearly visible. If you are concerned about any of these issues, please talk to your Learning & Progression Mentor, personal tutor or mobile phone company. Full contact details are available on Moodle. Dress Code continued overleaf DRESS CODE Mid Cheshire College expects learners to use their mobile phones responsibly. You should not use your mobile phone for any of the following: 17