Mid Cheshire College 2013 | Page 14

SAFE GUA RDIN G MID CHES HIRE COL LEGE – STUD ENT LIFE HAN DBO OK Library Services Mid Cheshire College libraries provide a range of services to help you during your time here. Our enthusiastic, experienced and friendly team are available to support you with your studies. Ruth Malaney Library Services Team Leader We provide silent, individual and group study areas in a bright and welcoming environment. There are libraries at both Hartford and Winsford campuses with a wide range of books, journals, DVDs and online resources appropriate to the courses taught at each site. You may use our services at both sites and borrow materials using your learner ID card. Our aim is to widen your horizons and expand your interests – to stimulate, challenge and help you to succeed in your chosen field. Safeguarding Your safety and well-being is of prime importance to us and we believe that every learner has a right to protection. We take steps to ensure that every learner is safe from harm while involved in College life and activities including e-safety. The following points underpin the policy for the protection of young people and vulnerable adults. * To provide learners with appropriate safety and protection whilst in the care and responsibility of Mid Cheshire College’ . * To allow all staff to make informed and confident responses to specific protection issues. * All suspicions of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately. * To help and support all individuals involved in providing activities for learners on behalf of MCC. * That all learners, regardless of ethnic origin, sexual orientation or disability, have the right to live in a safe environment. * That the welfare of the learner is paramount and will underpin all guidance. All learners have the right to learn in an environment which is free from any sort of harassment. Harassment is inappropriate behaviour and will be treated by Mid Ch eshire College as a serious matter which may include disciplinary action under the Learner Disciplinary Procedure. All allegations of harassment will be dealt with seriously, promptly and confidentially. If you feel that you are not safe at College please tell your tutor or speak to your Learning & Progression Mentor who can help. 14 Bullying, including physical, emotional, cyber and verbal, either directly or indirectly, is unacceptable and the College operates a zero tolerance policy. If any learner or learners are found to have carried out bullying, the College will use the Learner Disciplinary Procedure and Code of Conduct Policy which may result in them being withdrawn or expelled from the College, depending on the severity of the incident. If you witness any form of bullying, or are subject to bullying, you can speak in the first instance to your tutor or your Learning & Progression Mentor. Remember it is your duty to report any signs of bullying so the College can act appropriately. SAFEGUARDING LIBRARY SERVICES Bullying 15