MG Motoring 2019 Jan Feb 2019 web | Page 12

MG Car Club of South Australia 3 January 2019 The hot night at Arthur’s, West Lakes. Happy New Year ! Y es indeed a really hot night to start the Register year for 2019. Tem- peratures were showing 90 degrees + on those T Types that have gauges. Suffice to say it was a hot run down from Black- wood for Thane, Mozza, Russell & my- self with passenger Curly Walker. unfor- tunately unleaded petrol vaporises rela- tively easily in such hot conditions as Thane found out during slow traffic at Glenelg. In true form, Mozza had the hood up on the TD , what can I say ? Attendance was huge, 60 signed in , 19 Register vehicles including Arthur’s two, together with a good number of other MG’s graced Huntingdale Avenue. Have a look at the photos on the website taken by David McNabb, really superb thanks TD. Apologies Unfortunately the following missed a great night, noisy in the main but at the same time an emotional one. Missing from the action were, Ken Fisher, David McNaughton, The Ghost who Walks, Peter Wallace,, Peter Lancaster, Terry Wright, Trevor Driver, Roland Harris, Nick Proferes, Brenton Illingworth, Geoff Glasson, Robin Gibbs, The Doc Dallwitz & Simon Ewart. 10 Photo “AIPP Reflections Project” Vale, David Pearson David “Daddy” Pearson passed away on Friday 28 December in hospital, he was in his 94 th year and we were blessed with the attendance of Joy, An- thony, Wenona, Cara & new husband Matthew in a mini celebration of his life. Our condolences were expressed to his family and the loss of one of the MG Car Club’s greatest members has been felt by many.