MG Motoring 2018 March 2018 - opt | страница 25

March 2018 F/Z REGISTER NEWS From..Dick Manning T “F” REGISTER On this occasion I will demonstrate the assembly of an F motor and talk about future events. This will include some short runs through the Adelaide Hills area and roads most of you would never have seen. (not dirt) My aim is to increase activities and membership for owners of F and Z cars. he “F” Register was formed by Tony Hick who was a long time member of MGCC of SA. Tony bought a new MGF when they were released in 1997. The Tony Hick Trophy was introduced in his memory to be presented each year for attendance to meetings and some selected events. I can be contacted at.. [email protected] or 0412 818019 before 6pm. The register will be known as the F/Z Register which includes F,TF,ZR,ZS,ZT and modern (MG6).I will be having bi- monthly meetings at the club rooms on the second Friday of even months and the 1 st being April 12 th 7.30pm. DICK MANNING 23