MG Motoring 2017 | Page 26

MG Car Club of South Australia
Matters of significance : The Doc Dallwitz , TC 8411 , dumped a mess from the radiator all over Christine ’ s tiles in the carport , the ever alert photographer , Terry Wright unfortunately was not quick enough to gain a shot
24 before Christine had doused the offending mess with kitty litter of sort ! Thane Martin has started a trend by plonking a bottle of wine onto the front apron of the TC , copycats have followed Schapel & Buckley , all to be seen on the website photos if you look . Andrew Bate drove to the meeting in his recently restored TF . This was done with the help of Bob Bazzica and its great to see Batesy out in it again , a great change from the previous yellow paint . MG memorabilia was to be seen in Peter ’ s garage , a nice display Peter for those of us that can remember the antics from the 60 ’ s at Lanac Park and the Blackwood paddocks mud plugging trials . Ronnie Jellet arrived in a soaking mess , seems that the heat inside Goldy ’ s TC was akin to a Swedish Sauna without the masseuse to pour cold water over his head . Actually the side curtains are removable , someone tell the boys please . Peter Cundy ’ s NA continues to impress , see website photos , Baldrick looks the part , shame really . Breaking news : At the time of putting this to the editor I have learned