MG Motoring 2017 nov2017 | Page 24

MG Car Club of South Australia PRE-WAR & T REGISTER From...John Bray THE BIG NIGHT OUT IN PAECHTOWN. 5 October 2017 s was expected it was a big turnout in the big shed of Peter & Bronwyn Micklem on a coolish night , ideally suited for the “burn” up through Hahndorf to their home at Paechtown. Thankyou to Peter & Bronwyn for a great supper , hot fire and heaps of seats in the shed. The big toys had been moved out to accommodate the en- thralled members of which 37 signed in with 13 T Types and 1 Y Saloon to- gether with other MG cars of later and more comfortable vintage. Apologies. Received from M Lyons (coming good), A Pearson, I Buckley, J Tamke, A Bate, R Jellet & M & J Green- wood. Mike Greenwood rang me to say that his daughter had died suddenly the week before leaving two young children which of course is a tragedy to the whole fam- ily, our thoughts and condolences went out to Mike and Jan for their loss. Vale. Long standing member Alan Grif- fin passed away mid September after a short illness in care at Kalyara Care Fa- cility at Belair. David Mc Nabb has penned a tribute to Alan for the maga- zine, our condolences once again go out A to Barbara and the boys of which Mi- chael and David have had involvement with the car club over many years with their father Alan and his cars. Apology. To the” brown baron “ Mozza Linehan for leading him into the Crafers Park N Ride the wrong way against the tide of the buses, well the horn was ex- ceptionally laudible under the circum- stance, hate to admit it but I got it wrong. The Vicar of Dribbly. A prominent member of our group who was recently at the Goodwood Revival this year “confessed “ to the meeting that dress- ing up was on his agenda and in fact that he had fashioned a collar of the faith from an ice cream container and masqueraded as the local vicar, all good fun indeed for a while , however he was found wanting when challenged by a real and authentic man of the cloth. Tutt tutt Peter C best stick with the tweed jacket and deer stalker in the NA I sug- gest. ps: More tea Vicar ? Car Sales . com : Well, there was a bit of trading transacted at the meeting, a most attractive TD changed hands very very quickly, the new owner apparently overcome by the emotion of the night and his prayers with a little help from the “vicar” were answered and the deal done ! 22