MG Motoring 2017 Dec2017-opt | Page 32

MG Car Club of South Australia MGA MAGNETTE NEWS From...Sandra Cardnell MGA/MAGNETTE REGISTER MEETING HELD AT DENNISE AND NICK MICKLEM’S HOME AT HOUGHTON ON 16 NOVEMBER 2017 Our next event will be the annual din- ner, but that report will be in the Febru- ary magazine. The next Register meeting will be on 18 th January 2018 at Velli and Gary Al- gate’s home at 41 Fisher Crescent, Craigburn Farm, 5051. They have only been in the house for about a year so the garage should be well organized with not much old stuff, slim pickings for souvenier hunters. W ell after what seemed like the start of summer at the Kimber Run four days previously, the weather turned cold, windy and damp for our meeting at the Micklem’s. So only a few hardy souls braved the evening. Apolo- gies from the Dickers, Dennys, Houghs, Kevin Roper, and Jasmine Goode. Ian Wilson was an akpology but let me know that his A is nearly ready to test. With the exception of Gary Algate who ar- rived in his new Mercedes (sorry F troop not an SLK) there were six MGA’s in- cluding our host’s “Noddy”. Thanks to everyone who supported the meetings and events throughout 2017. Alan and I hope everyone has a happy and safe Christmas. See you next year Sandra A Cardnell Nick and Dennise are downsizing to a new house on the block next door and I thought it might be our last meeting at Valhalla. That is until we checked out the site works – still waiting on a start is one way of looking at it. Nick’s great shed is looking good, some downsizing there too, except for the “new” digger and the addition of a hoist. Could come in handy for those in the north east. The chat in the garage was about Nick’s carburettors and identifying various en- gine blocks and gear boxes. His project car is still in the roof – no change as yet. After a short meeting, well more of a chat really, Arthur volunteered to host the Register meeting at his place in May 2018 and Dennise and Nick will organ- ize a short run (possibly a poker run) to finish at Valhalla for the March meeting. Bazz and Shelley have volunteered to hold a meeting as well. 30