MetroVan Independent News July 2015 | Page 4

4 July 2015 editorial Are Filipino Associations Ready to Unite? By Steve Marshall This has been a discussion in BC that likely started over 50 years ago. There seems to be a pattern that Filipinos get together and form a Society then at some point a Presidential candidate loses then starts his own new group to be President. Later in that new group the same thing can happen splitting into another group. Apparently there is over 100 Filipino Associations in BC now. For the most part, all the organizations are trying to work together. The best thing we could hope for is Unity amongst Filipino Canadians to specifically deal with governments. A one voice nation is much stronger than a divided one. Can this happen? There was a recent attempt at Unity and here is the story. On Jan 16/2015, the Consulate General of the Philippines held a meeting at the Multicultural Helping House Society to formally announce its decision to step down as the co-chair of the Philippine Cultural Pista ng Bayan Society. During this meeting further members resigned so a group of people started to get together to reform this society at this meeting. After later meetings, it turned into another group that started in the last few months called the UNITED FILIPINO-CANADIAN ASSOCIATIONS OF BC (UFCABC). Joel Castillo, the new president, stated in a TV interview on RTVM that they are “the conglomerate or the umbrella of different associations in BC”. “United.” “Umbrella.” “WOW,” We thought “UNITY is finally going to happen.” Did it? Unfortunately, NO. How did the Pista ng Bayan Society which normally organizes the yearly Slocan Park Philippine Independence day event and Gala night turn into a self-titled UNITED FILIPINO-CANADIAN ASSOCIATIONS IN BC? This happened without telling all the associations that they are claim