Metal Onslaught Magazine January 2015 Jan 2015 | Page 37

DDR: What are the plans to tour this album?

QBall: We are headlining most of the stuff we're doing right now in the Midwest and corn belt area, then headed down south to the Carolina's, Florida, Georgia in January sometime.

DDR: Hopefully you can make it to Houston

QBall: I love Houston! Last time we were there, we played Scout and and right down the street, they have the worlds biggest pizza! Awesome venue and we got some great stage shots with the crowd. One of our favorite spots. We were supposed to do a run down there in December, but it fell through. No one's fault, but we are trying again this year to make a run down there.

DDR: For people reading about you and hearing your music for the first time, what would you like to say to them?

QBall: We would love to have your support! We call our fans the 'X-Nation' and if you like rooting for the underdog, we are it. We appreciate everyone going to the social mediums and checking us out. Our people are the VIP's of the show, not us. We will buy you a drink, you don't have to buy us a drink.