eringly trying to take over. The darker side which feels good to unleash every now and then. Now of course I'm talking not totally about darkness just the darker psyche. We all have one...some more tame than others but we all have one. We can't get rid of it or act like it doesn't exist cause that's when you lose control and it takes over. This song is about the struggle i had with my darker half. A perfect situation to explain would be if your boss is yelling at you and you think and feel like if I snap im gonna rip his head off...yes that feeling is the Black Halo! It can be a useful tool but dangerous to wield!

DDR: The debut cd is a masterful piece of work by all of you, its a cd that can hold its own against anything on the market right now, how long did it take for the album to form, Where was it produced? Was there a theme you wanted to project with the debut cd?

TOT: We recorded the album at Magik Recording Studio off 45 next to Guitar Center. We produced it ourselves and had a master engineer in Californina master it for us. It took us about off and on for a year to record it start to finish. The album as I said before is about life and empowering it!

DDR: What are the plans for future albums, videos etc? What can new and old fans look forward to?

TOT: We are currently writing our sophmore release. Trying to get alot of 360 materials together for advertising through video and audio as well as social media. Doing it all in house gets to be time consuming and difficult. Lots of cooks in the kitchen. (laughing) We just want to get our ideas right the way we want them. To make everything of the highest quality we can do!

DDR: Do you have plans to tour outside of Texas in the near future, and if so where can your fans catch you?

TOT: We have a gig in Cali in January at the Whiskey-A-Gogo on the 24th playing with Devil City Angels and some other bands from Texas SID 17 and Infinity's Twin as well. So it is going to be an awesome time. We are selling support tickets for the show. If you can come to it that would be awesome but if you just want to help us get there than you can purchase the tickets from Karim K @ Magik Recording Studios.

DDR: How can folks get you to venues near them that may be hearing you for the first time?

TOT: You can check out our site for all the newest info about Theory at Through there you can find us on all the social network sites and purchase the album and check up on our tour dates.

DDR: Is there anything you would like to say to your fans as well to folks hearing your music for the first time?

TOT: Without our fans, without strangers, without you...we would be nothing...we would

become nothing. We love all those who have supported us so far and to come. Listen, if I could part with a piece of advice to you fine people!

No matter what the world thinks or what popular society says. You have the power to control the music flow. What you like will determine the future of your artists. Don't be afraid of new and different genres and types of music. Ignore the morons that say something is too soft or too hard for ya. If it clicks in your head while your jammin it and you find yourself wanting to hear it again. JAM IT!!! be proud of what your tastes are no matter where they run!