Meredith Events Volume I | Page 41

3-Dimensional Demonstration Video.


When asked if he had advice for other aspiring inventors or resources he has found to be helpful, the Captain suggested the following:

-Stay away from invention development companies. Do not trust them; they are not your friend.

- There are trustworthy organizations to help assist aspiring inventors. Look for your local inventors' association.

- Patent laws have changed. Do not just tell any company about your idea. Document what you do and have a confidentiality agreement written for you.

-Invest time and money in a patent attorney you feel comfortable talking to, but remember he is your attorney...not a marketing expert.

-Chances are you will not get rich with your idea. Pursue your idea as a hobby, not as a overwhelming passion. Keep balance in your life, and do not be too greedy.

-Everything in the world is syste- matic. If your idea is truly a good idea, the system will work for you. There are no short cuts.

-Know the manufacturing process, make a prototype, and an actual working sample. This will help give a new dimension when discussing the engineering aspects of your idea.

-Write your marketing report to aid in your pitch.

- It is easier for a marketing company to approach a large manufacturer than an individual. A marketing company has credibility and knows the business.