Meraki Magazine June 2015 Issue 5 | Page 6


I feel that I have been on a design journey since our last issue and have been discovering how far I can push the boundaries with my own style. It started with planning the nursery. I found myself drawn to the ever-on-trend, monochromatic scandinavian-inspired vibe. Not because it embodied my own aesthetic, but because everyone else was doing it. In no way am I against the minimal trend. It is very beautiful, but I still don't know if it's me. I realised that my house needs to reflect myself and my family. It needs to be personal and, like a scrapbook or family portrait, demonstrate who we are.

In this Issue, I have been on a similar journey - delving into new styles to discover where my limitations lie. I hope you too can explore your own personal style and discover and push your own limitations as you read this issue.


Anthea Nauta

Co-Founder + Editor