MER Today Fall 2016 Edition Maintenance, Engineering and Reliability Society | Page 7

Messagee from the Chair
Updatedd October 14 , 2016
Prepared by André ( Andy ) Lemay
https :// www . cim . org
/ en / Societies‐and‐Branches / Societies / Maintenance‐Engineering‐and‐ Reliability‐Society / Vision‐Missionn . aspx
This will be quite a year to remember – Not because of the forest fire devastation of Fort McMurray but really because of the huge selfless and thoughtful response of people , companies and organizations to help out in any way they could . It took CIM , the Districts , Branches and
Societies a mere blink of the eye to raise $ 100, 000 . Similarly , this held true for many people , groups , companies and organizations in raising money orr even givingg of time , resources or anything to ease the burden of the Fort McMurray evacuees . This is what I will remember and
I am very thankful to be one person among so many considerate and caring peoplee . Thank you all .
Another great summer is behind us and we are now entering Fall . This is the time for the annual
Maintenance , Engineering and Mine Operators ( MeMO ) Conference . MeMO 2016 is complete with a Plenary , Technical Program , Tours , Exhibition , Workshops and of course social and networking events . This year ’ s theme is “ Leading and Managing in a Volatile Economy .” Attending and participating in MeMO is a great step to not only stay current , but also provides opportunities to see , hear and discuss the latest in maintenance , engineering , reliability and in mine operations with specialists recognized around the world . Come and listen to innovationn , best practices , challenges and solutions . Check out the CIM website for all your MeMO information : http :// memo2016 . cim . org / memo/ 2016 / home
Also check out the MER Society webpage for further information including scholarships and membership :