MER Today Fall 2016 Edition Maintenance, Engineering and Reliability Society | Page 6

evaluate . This “ reverse ” method guarantees a realistic portrait of the situation as it collects many points of view and observations .
The report is then submitted as an oral presentation to everyone involved in the audit . Using an approach based on communication and cooperation shared amongst all maintenance players, we bring to light observations , achievements , potential solutionss and key issues . Following the presentation , a comprehensive hard‐copy report is then submitted to all managers as a referencee . The presentation ensures that the participation of all actors involved in changingg the existing organisational culture has commenced .
During step B , while working in groups , we start to quantify potential gains ( production losses , HSE , cost reduction , intangibles ) and the investments required to attain these gains . We thereby present the project as well as its return on investment ( ROI ). We then we establish a 0‐3 year plan addressing required investmentss and their returns . We also conduct a workshop to establish the common thread between the company ’ s strategic plan , the expected results , and various improvement activities . The improvement activities are then prioritised using a Benefit‐Effort t Matrix .
We determine a strategy that includes , amongst others , key activities over time , a deployment strategy , a meeting schedule , the implementation of a measuring and tracking system ( KPI ), and the roles of each person involved . The final step involves having working group participants present this strategy to upper management . Step B implements the necessary tools to showcase the project plan and have it adopted by the decision‐makerss .
The final step — the execution of the project — is step C : the consolidation . This takes place when the project is approved by upper management and a leader , preferably internal to the organisation , is designated . The leader is thus responsible for using a highh level strategy , creating a comprehensive plann and most importantly , becoming the instrument of change . Step C implements the 0‐3 year plan
; it is wheree the action takes place . It demonstrates the results measured using KPI and supported by rigorous tracking and shares them with the project ’ s contributors . Thereafter , we simply adjust and move forward . The ABC technique is not only a change of course in terms of techniques and tactics . It also provides the elements necessary to initiate a change in culture within the organisation . We are starting to notice a common will to transform maintenance and reliability ’ s image into a perspective of continuous improvement .
In the same way that the great culture change in healthh and safety was instrumented in the 90 ’ s , the significance of having optimised maintenance and reliability is gradually evolving and innovating , and
, furthermore , settling itself amongst organisations . STI Maintenance is proud to support its clients in their approach towards optimisation and efficiency .