MENU dorset issue 16 MENU16..dorset pdf issue 16 | Page 7

 P DORSET L E N T Y  What’s local, seasonal and delicious this issue? 7 Lamb to the Water { T I P } Spring b rings ma ny of the n atio n’s f reshest seaso n al favou rites. S ome of the best waterc ress in the wo rld is g rown a rou nd these pa r ts so it ’s wo r th sampling even if it ’s a couple of sprigs wo r th in a roast beef sa ndwich. New potatoes do n’t need a ny promotio n but t r y so r rel with f ish. And rhuba rb is su r prisingly versatile too… Don’t peel new potatoes. You can just rinse off any dirt and give the skins a scrub. Add butter to the pan when they are just cooked.