English Mental health and gender-based violence English version | Page 88

78 Managing traumatic memories

Managing traumatic memories

Aim . To show symbolically , using visual tools , how a person can be helped to identify , manage and eventually weaken traumatic memories .
The following sections describe how helpers can stabilise a survivor – by bringing her into the here and now , within her window of tolerance . They energise her when she is under-active and lower her agitation when she is over-energised by bad feelings , thoughts and memories .
We suggest that you add antennae to the Butterfly Woman to symbolise visually how people receive and store information . This symbol is likely to be acceptable in many contexts . It is up to you to decide whether the antennae and wings are appropriate for the group you are working with . Choose whatever visual references are most appropriate for the context .
Figure 3 . The Butterfly Woman Immediately after the trauma .
Figure 4 . The Butterfly Woman Experiences triggers and flashbacks some time after the trauma .
Figure 5 . The Butterfly Woman Gradually healing .